The setec international gender equality index for 2024 is 85/100.

The reference workforce for 2023 is 373 employees.


Our index has stabilised for the second year running, and our Human Resources policy is doing everything it can to ensure that it continues to grow.

The percentage of female employees (39%) at setec international has also risen again this year.

We remain more committed than ever to gender equality within the workplace and, more broadly, to diversity, which is at the heart of our CSR approach.

Calculation method

This index is calculated on the basis of 5 indicators for the period 01/01/23 to 31/12/23:

  • Pay gap (for equivalent jobs, by socio-professional category): 35-40
  • The difference in individual increase rates: 20-20
  • The promotion rate gap: 15-15
  • The % of employees who received a pay rise in the year following maternity leave: 15-15
  • The number of employees of under-represented genders among the 10 highest earners: 0-10