Brazil AirportsTechnical support for cobcession installation

Lieu : Brazil

Client : Vinci Airports

Date : 2018 - 2019

Le projet

For several years now, the Brazilian government has been privatizing its airports. This trend accelerated in 2012 with the concessioning of several major airports: São Paulo, Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro…

A new wave of privatizations was launched in 2018, with a call for concessions for 3 airport groups. Vinci Airports has declared itself a candidate for the concession of two of these groups, for a period of 30 years.

The first group includes airports in the Nordeste region: Recife (7.8 Mpax in 2017), Maceió (2.1 Mpax), João Pessoa (1.4 Mpax), Aracaju (1.2 Mpax), Juazeiro do Norte (542,000 pax) and Campina Grande (150,000 pax).

The second group includes airports in the state of Mato Grosso: Cuiabá (2.9 Mpax in 2017), Sinop (225,000 pax), Alta Floresta (65,000 pax) and Rondonópolis (40,000 pax).

Setec has been selected by Vinci Airports to act as technical consultant for the concession bid, to be submitted in March 2019.

Nos missions

Setec, as technical consultant to Vinci Airports, carried out the following assignments:

    • Diagnosis of the 10 airports (buildings, infrastructure, equipment, systems, etc.) based on the documentation provided and site visits.
    • Capacity studies for the 10 airports: determination of current terminal capacity, runway and taxiway systems, aircraft parking areas and landside infrastructure. Identify limitations, saturations and bottlenecks.
    • Development Studies and Mass Plans Based on traffic forecasts, the requirements of the concession contract and applicable Brazilian and international regulations, development of the 10 platforms over several time horizons (3 years, 6 years and 30 years), including the sizing of terminals, runway and taxiway systems, aircraft parking areas, landside infrastructure and the support functions required for the smooth operation of the airports. The airports are designed to handle 29 MPax at Recife, 7 MPax at Cuiabá, 6.2 MPax at Maceió, 3.6 MPax at João Pessoa, 3.3 MPax at Aracaju, 1.3 MPax at Juazeiro do Norte, 0.4 MPax at Campina Grande, 230,000 Pax at Sinop, 118,000 Pax at Alta Floresta and 91,000 Pax at Rondonópolis.
    • Drawing up capital expenditure and maintenance plans (CAPEX and REPEX) for each platform over the entire concession period.
    • Boarding bridges study: feasibility study for maintaining or adapting existing bridges and installing new bridges to accommodate different types of aircraft within the framework of traffic forecasts, regulatory requirements and the concession contract.

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