Grand Paris Express – Socio-economic reportSocio-economic evaluation study

Lieu : France

Client : Société du Grand Paris

Date : 2010

Le projet

The GPE is an automatic metro project involving the extension of metro line 14 to the north and south, and the creation of a double loop to link the inner and outer suburbs to the east and west of the Paris region:

  • 150 Km
  • Speed of 60 Km/h
  • 24-hour operation under study
  • 2 to 3 million passengers per day, including 40,000 at rush hour -About 40 stations, most of them interconnected with the existing network The metro project will also enable connections with TGV stations and airports, which will be only 30 minutes from Paris.

The total cost of the Grand Paris transport plan, including the Ile-de-France region’s mobilization plan, is estimated at 35 billion euros, including 21 billion euros for the implementation of the automatic metro project. Financing is mainly based on borrowing and government grants, with capital inflows attracted by the attractiveness of development clusters.

Today, 80 communes are crossed by the automatic metro network as planned. This represents 2.1 million inhabitants, 1.4 million jobs and around 1 million households.

Nos missions

setec’s assignments are divided into three phases:


  • A “classic” socio-economic assessment of the Greater Paris transport project was carried out in accordance with the current de Robien circular; the traffic data used to calculate user benefits came from DREIF and RATP forecasting models.


  • A methodological approach designed to broaden socio-economic assessment and take new elements into account. In particular, it involves analyzing current practices in other countries (Great Britain and Northern Europe), while calling on a number of experts.


  • The final phase of the study consists in carrying out an extended assessment of the Greater Paris transport project, integrating the various elements identified in the previous phase:

Calculations of economic performance linked to accessibility,

The impact on the Ile-de-France economy of the jobs and populations attracted by the project,

Savings in land use due to densification around the project’s stations.

Web-based calculations of wider economic benefits

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