Rodrigues AirportEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

Lieu : Maurice

Client : Airport of Rodrigues Ltd (ARL)

Date : 2019 - 2020

Le projet

The project concerns the creation of a new runway at Plaine Corail airport in Rodrigues (Mauritius). The island’s economic development depends on access by air, and its current airport can only handle ATR 72 aircraft, carrying only 72 passengers and no freight.

The aim of the project is to build a runway and associated equipment, as well as reinforcing the existing runway and installing appropriate signage, to accommodate larger A R21 Neo aircraft carrying up to 250 passengers. In addition to the new runway, the works include the construction of a new control tower, a new fire station and a water treatment plant.

Nos missions

The mission consists in carrying out the environmental and social impact assessment of the runway project, in accordance with national and international standards. The aim of the study is to obtain a local environmental permit and funding from international donors (AFD and European Union).

The impact study includes field inventories (natural terrestrial and marine environment, hydrogeological reconnaissance, socio-economic survey), bibliographical studies, as well as on-site missions to steer, coordinate and contact prior to appraisal and approval by local authorities.

The production of the final deliverable, the ESIA, is preceded by the delivery of four intermediate deliverables intended to feed local authorization commissions and international financing commissions.

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