Haiti TomorrowTechnical assistance to the
Client : Comité Interministériel d'Aménagement du Territoire of the Republic of Haiti
Le projet
Since January 2010, the Setec Group, together with Bernard Reichen Architecte Urbaniste and Alfred Peter Paysagiste, has been assisting the Comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire of the Republic of Haiti in defining its objectives and strategies for reconstruction and territorial development.
The group drew up an initial framework document for CIAT in March 2010, Haiti Demain, which fed into the government’s strategy on the eve of the New York Conference.
The second phase involved drawing up the investment program for the Central Artibonite region development project. The Boucle Centre-Artibonite project is a concrete land-use plan designed to accommodate an economic development project. It’s a structuring model for the Haitian territory that can serve as a benchmark for the country’s reconstruction.
Nos missions
- Customer secondment and management of the interface between CIAT and the project team
- Field visits and data collection from local partners and stakeholders (ministries, World Bank, IDB, cooperation agencies, NGOs, etc.).
- Interviews with local players (mayors of the towns concerned, civil society players, associations)
- Organization of workshops and consultations
- Presentation to funders
Nos expertises mobilisées
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