Dakar-Thies freewayFeasibility study and project management

Lieu : Senegal

Client : Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de l'Investissement et des Grands Travaux / Eiffage Sénégal

Date : 2003 - 2009 - 2013

Le projet

The rapid deterioration in traffic conditions on the Cape Verde peninsula (Dakar region) in recent years has actively revived the project for a motorway link between central Dakar and the city of Thiès, 70 km to the east. This is a half-urban/half-interurban project, in a very densely populated area.

The project, piloted by APIX (Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de l’Investissement et des Grands Travaux), was designed as a fully or partially concessioned structure, with tolls to finance investment, operation and maintenance.

SETEC International contributed its expertise in terms of traffic and revenue studies to measure the feasibility of such an arrangement.

In a second phase, the Eiffage Sénégal/Eiffage TP Group, within the framework of the CET (design, operation, transfer) contract, then entrusted setec international with the integrated project management engineering missions for the Pikine/Diamniadio section, the 3rd and longest section of the freeway eventually linking Dakar to Thiès.

Nos missions

Feasibility studies

  • socio-economic analysis ;
  • traffic studies: road network modelling (regional model more particularly detailed in Dakar), origin-destination surveys, stated preference surveys, calibration, demand forecasting, traffic forecasting ;
  • advice on setting toll rates ;
  • risk analysis of revenue levels ;
  • setec international’s services are a continuation of a project management assistance mission carried out in 2002, concerning the technical feasibility of the project (civil engineering, costs, etc.).


Project management studies

All motorway drainage and sewerage studies were carried out by the sewerage and drainage department:

  • Dossier Avant-Projet Modificatif (APDm), Dossier de Projet (PRO)
  • Visas for execution studies (VISA), Works supervision and control (DET-AOR)

This is a very specific mission, due to the problems associated with rising water tables and flood risks, swelling clays, high rainfall intensity, risk of ice jams, lack of outlets and topographical low points.

Nos expertises mobilisées

Pour aller plus loin

La section d’autoroute Pikine/Diamniadio, longue de 20.40km et un barreau de liaison de 3km à la Route Nationale 1, étudiée pour moitié en zone urbaine et pour autre moitié en zone rurale, comporte :

  • 6 diffuseurs,
  • 2 barrières pleines voies,
  • 6 gares de péage sur bretelles de diffuseur,
  • 12 ouvrages de rétablissement de communication

Les principales quantités en lien avec l’assainissement/drainage sont :

  • 82km de collecteurs de surface (caniveaux, fossés…),
  • 48 ouvrages hydrauliques dont 34 ouvrages hydrauliques de rétablissement des écoulements naturels sous section courante,
  • 30 ouvrages d’assainissement (continuité sous perré ou bretelle).
  • 7 biefs de confinement.


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